Monday, January 23, 2012

WAITing for our little girl.....

We talked to Holt (our adoption agency) a couple weeks ago, and they gave us an update...

All of our paperwork was completed in September, and we were "officially" put on the "WAITing Family" List. The Adoption Counselor told us that we should be matched with our little girl sometime within the next 6 months. After we are matched, then we will WAIT again to travel to Korea. We must WAIT on the Korean government to issue Emmigration Permits...they only issue a set number per month/per year. So, currently we are WAITing and praying for our little girl...she will be with us "not a moment too soon"!

Watching this video gives me encouragement about our WAIT!
We are reminded that God is control. His timing is perfect, and we will WAIT until He unites us with our little girl from South Korea.

"WAIT for the Lord; be strong and take heart and WAIT for the Lord." Psalm 27:14


Meaghan said...

Love this sweet video!!

Kim Trimm said...

that video just choked me up! so sweet. just found out recently, through meaghan, that y'all are adopting. i'm praying for y'all in your journey.