Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Lesleys Have News...

We are thrilled to announce that our family is growing again.....we are in the process of adopting from Korea.
This is a very brief summary of how/why our adoption journey began....

Summer of 2010: God began to stir our hearts towards adoption.
Neither of us had ever been open to the idea of adopting, and honestly, we thought adoption was for couples that were not able to get pregnant. Having three children (Beckett was 4, John Scott was 2, and Cathryn was 2 months old), adoption was not an option for us. We were just going through our crazy daily routines, and I kept hearing God speak to me about adoption...through His word and prayer. At the time, I felt my life was so busy, there was no way God would be calling our family to adopt. I shared with Brian what I thought God was calling us to, and his response was very similar to mine.."No Way!". I asked Brian if he would simply pray about it and be open to see what God would tell him. We began praying about adoption, and God began confirming His call for us to adopt through sermons, Sunday School lessons, friends, neighbors, strangers, was really amazing and unbelievable!

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” Jeremiah 33:3

January 2011
After many prayers and several “god ordained” encounters, both of our hearts were changed and our eyes opened to God's call for us to adopt. We began researching countries and agencies. We filled out preliminary applications.

“Many are the plans of a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

March 2011
We were accepted into the Korean Adoption Program through Holt International.

June 2011
We started our home study through Catholic Charities. This should take 3-4 months. It includes series of interviews, lots of paperwork, and a home visit: they will interview our children ;)

We have requested an infant girl, and the entire process will probably take about 24 months. Hopefully, sometime in 2013, we will have a new addition to our family.

We know that God is in control of this entire process. We have already seen the hand of God in our lives and this journey has just begun. We will continue to seek His face and His glory.

We covet your prayers as we take this journey. Pray that we will be flexible as we follow God's plan, patient as we wait on God's timing, and wise as we seek God's will.
We will keep you all updated! Love, Brian and Emily

“What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

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Reply to Emily Lesley


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